Tuesday 22 November 2011

Iphone Application for UEL

For Graphic Design 2 for my second group project we had to design an idea to sell to someone. The project before was for an imaginary cause, we did not have to execute an event afterwards. This task was to produce an idea whether it be for a company or a friend, business or hotel etc...

We all did our own mind maps and we ended up with an idea for UEL, University of East London.

This was to ideally design an Iphone or Blackberry Application that would include things such as:

Timetables for UEL students
Updates on classes, change of classes and where classes will be
All module information about each individuals course they are taking
Helpline, contacts: emails, postal addresses and phone numbers
Exam timetables and exam results
Updates on UEL like: events at the student union.
Instant communication between teachers and students via push notifications
Calender for term dates a personal calender diary
To do lists
Student finance progress report

Above is a photograph of what the application looks like on the homepage of the UEL App. It is young looking as that was our target audience and our prime factor was too make it simple and easy to understand, this is because a lot of students said that UEL website is too complicated and too many things go wrong when clicking into too many different places.  

We then thought of a way to really get to the students and make a survey on whether or not they thought it was a good idea. We made a video of the group asking a few questions to students walking past us at UEL.


1. Do you think the UEL website needs improving? If so then why?
2. Would you use a UEL Iphone etc Application to receive more information on lectures etc....?
3. Would you pay for this Application? It would be at a small price.
4. What do you think the UEL website lacks?
5. Have you had any problems using the UEL website?
6. Is the UEL website easy to use?

The video was a major success, we video recorded 10 different occasions with UEL students. 9 our of 10 said they would pay to use the application. The 1 student who said he wouldn't use it because he would not pay.

A lot of people said that it would be very useful for updates on timetables and email would be really good as they never seem to go on their UEL email online or they very rarely do. They also said that it would be beneficial to get instant notifications on their phone as it would make them more organised. This is why we thought an Application for UEL would be very successful.

The price for the application would have to be a low cost as after all we are students trying to manage our money as best we can. So it would be in the range of 69p to £1. This would last you the whole time you studied at UEL doing any course.

The Iphone App Icon which was finally placed on a fake Iphone was the UEL logo, we thought this was better than making a new one as it would not have been recognised as much as a new logo. It gave a simple, fresh look and turned out to be a success when placed on the Iphone cardboard cutout.

Other things that would be useful for this Application:

Links to the UEL website so you can click and be reconnected to the online website
Subscriptions to news and events

We chose to design the website as very simple with clear links and use the same logo as the UEL websites current one to make it connected with the Uni and more recognisable.

When we presented our idea to the rest of our lecture group, everyone was very impressed and offered help and knowledge so that we could perform this idea to UEL or even a wide range of Universities.

Reference List:

University of East London. Available: http://www.uel.ac.uk/. Last accessed 2nd December 2011.

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